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Structure Tools

(Purchase/Download Trial)

The Structure Tools plugin provides a variety of general-purpose enhancements to the structured interface. Specifically, it adds the following:

All features provided by Structure Tools are based on needs discovered during real-world usage of structured FrameMaker for authoring and publishing. If you work in the structured interface and do not have Structure Tools, you might be surprised how much time you could be saving with it.

Structure Tools is distributed as fully-functional shareware. The shareware version will occasionally produce "reminders" about purchasing the product when you use it, but otherwise will function as advertised.

PLEASE NOTE: The attribute features, especially the custom editor, do not mix well with the Structure Generator (conversion table utility). If you run the Structure Generator with Structure Tools installed, you should turn off the attribute features first.

*Denotes features that are free and will not produce any purchase messages in the shareware version.